My work time online course

Price: 240 € incl. VAT 25,5%

Length: 4 weeks

Work done with peace of mind, planned and anticipating, is often most effective. Taking care of recovery is also part of personal effectiveness. In order to reach your goals, something you may have to give up. Important questions are e.g. what you want to achieve, how much time is invested in different things and what is given up.

My work time online course helps you

• Better manage work time and reduce stress
• Facilitating the reconciliation of work and private life
• Identify essential tasks
• Schedule things
• Learn more effective ways of working

The course consists of a 4-week course. The course includes practical exercises and videos. The course provides information and tips for everyday life. Intermediate tasks will help you succeed in your goals.

Course content

Week 1 – What controls the use of time

We start by thinking about what controls our own use of time. We think about internal motivational factors and values ​​as drivers of operations. You can tweak the way you do your own work. The skill of focused doing can also be developed.

Week 2 – Focus on your most important tasks

This week, we stop to think about how our success will be measured. The theme of the week includes the ability to set goals, prioritize and plan work.

Week 3 – Schedule and reduce interruptions

This week, we will learn to better schedule our various tasks and reduce interruptions. We learn to pay attention to time thieves.

Week 4 – Tools for more efficient use of time

This week we will get acquainted with various tools and applications for work organization. We develop cooperation and better practices. We considered the possibilities of delegation in our own work.

Ask for more info:
Training Coordinator
Markus Pusa 0400419865
[email protected]